Mjejane Lioness Drags Kill While Cubs Try to Grasp at it
Published at : February 07, 2023
An amazing sighting of the 2 Mjejane lionesses and their 7 cubs with a waterbuck kill. They were feeding in an open area as it began to heat up later in the morning, so 1 of the lionesses decided to drag the heavy waterbuck to some shade.
The 7 cubs thought it was a game and some of them tried to grasp at the waterbuck while she was dragging it. It's great to see all 7 cubs looking healthy and doing so well, they are the offspring of the 2 Hippo Pools male lions who are protecting them well.
The 7 cubs thought it was a game and some of them tried to grasp at the waterbuck while she was dragging it. It's great to see all 7 cubs looking healthy and doing so well, they are the offspring of the 2 Hippo Pools male lions who are protecting them well.

africaafrican wildlifesightings